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- Environmental Studies
- I Care 3rd Edition
I Care 3rd Edition
I Care: My Book of Environmental Awareness helps young learners conceive the environment in its totality sensitising them to environmental issues we are faced with. The chapters start with a Warm up. Did you know? provides interesting snippets beyond the text. Little Scientist cites engaging scientific facts related to the topics. Graphic organisers called Wrap up are given at the end each chapter for quick recapitulation. Things you know has carefully graded pen-and-paper based assessments. Get busy are individual or group activities to test the ideas grasped of the topics discussed. Things to do are of fun projects, games or experiments to reinforce the concepts covered in the chapters. Environment Connect are current and relevant examples of and hands-on activities on sustainable practices and interesting facts about exceptional people, organisations, countries who have positively impacted the environment and blazed a trail, thus connecting theory to real life.
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