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Moving from print coursebooks to ebooks: learnings from classroom research

Moving from print coursebooks to ebooks: learnings from classroom research

Date: Tuesday 5 July

Time: 15:00

ELT materials and practice are increasingly digitally-based. What opportunities and challenges do ebooks present for schools, teachers and learners? And how can publishers, teacher trainers and institutional managers offer an implementation framework with appropriate support? This webinar will share insights and practical recommendations from a three-month practical classroom research study focusing on the adoption of face2face (Cambridge University Press) ebooks at the Embassy English school in Cambridge.

Formerly an English teacher and teacher trainer, Laura Patsko now works as Senior ELT Research Manager for Cambridge University Press. Her main interests lie in teacher education, pronunciation and sociolinguistics, especially the use of English as a Lingua Franca. She edits the IATEFL PronSIG journal, blogs at and, and tweets as @lauraahaha. Rolf Tynan is the Global Learning Technologies Specialist for Embassy English involved in designing and implementing projects. He has been teaching and engaging EFL teachers and learners in utilising technology with a strong pedagogy for nearly 20 years. He has presented at IATEFL for the past 14 years and run workshops in Europe on Teaching with Technology.

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