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We offer authors the option of publishing their Elements as Open Access to allow them to make their works freely available online without compromising any aspect of the publishing process.
Under this model, the author (or a funder) pays a processing charge and an online version of the Element is published under a Creative Commons license. Print and other digital formats (such as a Kindle version) are available for purchase.
We encourage interested authors to contact the relevant subject editor to discuss options.
Frequently asked questions
What Creative Commons license do you support?
We support CC-BY-NC but will allow other licenses (particularly CC-BY-NC-ND) in certain circumstances. The CC-BY-NC license allows the free re-use of the work for academic purposes, and it helps us keep author charges low through sales of print and electronic versions.
How much are your processing charges?
Your editor will be able to discuss processing charges for Gold Open Access with you.
Are there any other differences with more conventional publishing options?
No. We will apply the same high standards and procedures as for our other Elements. This includes editorial processes such as peer review, production processes of design and typesetting, through to marketing and dissemination. Our Open Access option is geared purely towards allowing you to make your work freely available online for academic purposes.
Can I include third-party material in an Open Access work?
Yes, but some rights holders might be reluctant to allow their material to be reproduced in an OA work. You must ensure that any permissions you secure for third-party material allow you include it in your Open Access work.
Ideally, the third-party material will have been previously published under a Creative Commons license that already allows you include it. Other third-party material can be clearly indicated as being reproduced by permission and that it is protected by third party copyright, with a notice that it cannot be reused without further permissions clearance from the identified third-party rights holder.
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