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Look Inside My Autobiography and Reminiscences

My Autobiography and Reminiscences
Further Reminiscences

Volume 3

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Art and Architecture

  • Date Published: June 2012
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108051835


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About the Authors
  • The celebrated Victorian narrative painter William Powell Frith (1819–1909) was a born raconteur. His two-volume autobiography of 1887 ran to three editions in the same year. The third edition is reissued here, together with its supplementary volume of 1888. Frith was an ideal commentator on his age. He never lost his early interest in literary and historical subjects, and moved in the highest artistic and literary circles. Yet he also saw himself as a man of the people. His most famous works were his 'modern-life' panoramas, Ramsgate Sands (1854), Derby Day (1858) and The Railway Station (1862). Discussing such projects, he reflects on everything from costume to portraiture, art dealers to female artists, and even picture frames. In particular, Volume 3 records the breakdown of the talented Richard Dadd, Frith's admiration for Daniel Maclise, John Tenniel and George du Maurier, and reflections on the vagaries of fashions in art.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: June 2012
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108051835
    • length: 472 pages
    • dimensions: 216 x 140 x 27 mm
    • weight: 0.59kg
    • contains: 9 b/w illus.
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Great names and the value of them
    2. Prelude to correspondence
    3. Early correspondence
    4. Asylum experiences
    5. Anecdotes - various
    6. An over-true tale
    7. Scraps
    8. A Yorkshire blunder, and scraps continued
    9. Richard Dadd
    10. An old-fashioned patron
    11. Another dinner at Ivy Cottage
    12. Charles Dickens
    13. Sir Edwin Landseer
    14. George Augustus Sala
    15. John Leech
    16. Shirley Brooks
    17. Admiration
    18. On self-delusion and other matters
    19. Fashion in art
    20. A story of a snowy night
    21. English art and French influence
    22. Ignorance of art
    23. Oratory
    24. Supposititious pictures
    25. A variety of letters from various people
    26. Mrs Maxwell
    27. Book illustrators
    28. More people whom I have known

  • Author

    William Powell Frith

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