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Learning resources: chapter 4


Section 4.1 - Cognitive Science: An Interdisciplinary Endeavor
Section 4.2 - Levels Of Explanation: The Contrast Between Psychology And Neuroscience
Section 4.3 - The Integration Challenge

1. What is cognitive science? Some different answers
What is cognitive science? Class notes (paper by Zenon Pylyshyn, 1998)
Cognitive science (entry in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, by Paul Thagard)
Cognitive science (entry in the Encyclopedia of Computer Science, by William Rappaport)
The cognitive revolution: A historical perspective (paper by George Miller, 2003; from Trends in Cognitive Science, 7)
What is cognitive science? (paper by Lynn Nadel and Massimo Piatelli-Palmarini, 2002; from the Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science)

2. Psychology, neuroscience, and background to the integration challenge
Psychology (entry from Wikipedia)
Neuroscience (entry from Wikipedia)
Levels and loops: The future of artificial intelligence and neuroscience (paper by Anthony Bell, 1999; from the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B, 354)
Integrating neuroscience, psychology, and evolutionary biology through a teleological conception of function (paper by Jennifer Mundale and Bill Bechtel)
Converging levels of analysis in the cognitive neuroscience of attention (paper by John Duncan, 1998; from the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B, 353)

Section 4.4 - Local Integration I: Evolutionary Psychology and the Psychology of Reasoning

1. Conditional reasoning and the Wason selection task
The Wason selection task (interactive version; from Philosophy Experiments)
The Wason selection task (different versions; from Cosmides and Tooby’s Center for Evolutionary Psychology)
Motivated reasoning and performance on the Wason selection task (paper by Erica Dawson, Thomas Gilovich, and Dennis Regan, 2002; from Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28)
Cognitive ability and variation in selection task performance (paper by Keith Stanovich and Richard West, 1998; from Thinking and Reasoning, 4)

2. The prisoner’s dilemma, TIT for TAT and the evolution of cooperation
Prisoner’s dilemma (entry from the Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, by Avinash Dixit and Barry Nalebuff)
Prisoner’s dilemma (entry from Wikipedia)
TIT for TAT (entry from Wikipedia)
Prisoner’s dilemma (entry from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, by Steven Kuhn)
The evolution of cooperation (excerpt from John Maynard Smith’s Evolution and the Theory of Games)
The evolution of cooperation (paper by Robert Axelrod and William Hamilton, 1981; from Science, 211)
Video demonstration of the Prisoner’s dilemma (from Scientific American)

3. Evolutionary psychology and cheater detection
Interview (with Leda Cosmides)
Evolutionary psychology: A primer (paper by Leda Cosmides and John Tooby; from the Center for Evolutionary Psychology)
Cognitive adaptations for social exchange (paper by Leda Cosmides and John Tooby, 1992; from The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture)
A cheater detection module: Dubious interpretations of the Wason selection task and logic (paper by Scott Atran, 2001; from Evolution and Cognition, 7)
Evolutionary psychology (entry from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, by Stephen Downes)
Lecture by John Tooby on evolutionary psychology (video)
Lecture by Paul Bloom on evolutionary psychology (video from Open Yale Courses)

Section 4.5 - Local Integration II: Neural Activity and the Bold Signal

1. fMRI and the BOLD signal
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (entry from Wikipedia)
Introduction to fMRI (from the University of Oxford’s FMRIB Centre)
Neuroimaging: Advances and potential (video from YouTube featuring Gil Rabinovici, MD)

2. See also section 11.2.

3. Neural correlates of the BOLD signal
Interpreting the BOLD signal (paper by Nikos Logothetis and Brian Wandell, 2004; from the Annual Review of Physiology, 66)
The neural basis of functional brain imaging signals (paper by David Attwell and Constantino Iadecola, 2002; from Trends in Neuroscience, 25)
How well do we understand the neural origins of the fMRI BOLD signal? (paper by Owen Arthurs and Simon Boniface, 2002; from Trends in Neuroscience, 25)
Video demonstration of the delay between neural activity and BOLD (from the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics)

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