Student resources for Chapter 07: Semantics
Study guide for Chapter 07: Semantics
You should be able to simply define or explain the following terms and concepts.
Sense | Reference | Lexeme |
Sign | Signifier | Signified |
Icon | Index (noun) | Symbol |
Connotation | Denotation | Exonym |
Proposition | Propositional content | Entailment |
Presupposition | Prototype | Antonymy |
Contrary | Synonymy | Hyponymy |
Polysemy | Profile | Frame |
Script | Metaphor | Metonymy |
Conceptual Metaphor |
On completion of this chapter, you should be able to perform the following tasks:
Distinguish semantic from pragmatic meanings of expressions
Distinguish between sense and reference
Distinguish between icons, indexes, and signs
Identify inferences, entailments, and presuppositions associated with lexemes and propositions, and provide arguments for your analysis using the “contradiction test”
Identify semantic relations of synonymy, hyponymy, and antonymy that hold between lexemes
Define the term ‘prototype’ as it relates to semantics and discuss its role in contributing to meanings of particular lexemes
Identify semantic frames associated with a group of lexemes and distinguish between frames and profiles
Give examples of how particular semantic components of a word are activated in particular contexts
Distinguish between vagueness and polysemy, and for polysemous lexemes, state whether the polysemy is based on metonymy or metaphor