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We unlock the potential of millions of people worldwide. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world.
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ESV Bible editions
- King James Version
- New English Bible
- New International Version
- New King James Version
- New Revised Standard Version
- Revised English Bible
- Revised Version
- Tyndale
- Original Greek
- Prayer Books
Cambridge Clarion Bibles are ingeniously designed to deliver a rare combination of readability and portability. They achieve this by using a modern digital font that, like the traditional Bible typefaces of the past, is clear and easy to read even when set in a modest type size (just under 9 point). The generous line spacing also contributes to the legibility.
Clarion Bibles have two special features: the Bible text is not divided into columns, but runs right across the page, and the cross-references are in the outer margin of the page. Their other distinction is that they use paragraph format, rather than starting every verse on a new line. Both of these typesetting devices make the text very readable and natural.
These Bibles incorporate 15 colour maps and a concordance. They are bound in a choice of calf split leather and edge-lined goatskin.
- paragraph format
- superb readability
- text runs across the page like an ordinary book
Features of edition:
- India paper
- black-letter text
- cross-references
- concordance
- 15 colour maps
- two ribbons
- gilt or art-gilt edges
Other Clarion Bibles
KJV http://www.cambridge.org/bibles/kjv/clarion.htm
It's the perfect blend of layout, readability, and portability ... perfect for reading, study and carry, and I can easily recommend it for teachers, preachers and laymen.RANDY BROWN, CREATOR OF BIBLE BUYING GUIDEWhat we do
- Academic Research, Teaching and Learning
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- English Language Assessment
- International Education
- Educational resources for schools
- Educational Research & Network
- Bibles
- Partnership for Education
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- Assessment Research
- Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing
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