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What can I do to address any gaps in learning?

Cambridge back to school


Everyone’s experience of teaching and learning remotely is different, and your students may have some knowledge gaps. After you’ve identified any points for development, you can use the resources below to help.

Using existing Cambridge resources

Are you already a Cambridge customer? Then you have access to a variety of great features readily available to address gaps in learning. Explore our guide on how to use your current resources to help fill them.

Student Resources

Available in both print and digital formats, explore our collection of coursebooks and work books. Use the filters to find the perfect resources for you and your students.

Support for:
Cambridge Primary 
Cambridge Lower Secondary/Checkpoint   
Cambridge IGCSE
Cambridge International AS & A Level 

Teacher’s Resources

Filled with step-by-step lesson plans, differentiation advice, worksheets, presentations and more, explore our collection of teacher’s resources. Available in print and digital formats. 

Available for:
Cambridge Primary 
Cambridge Lower Secondary/Checkpoint   
Cambridge IGCSE 
Cambridge International AS & A Level 

Resource Plus

Deliver engaging lessons and teach challenging concepts with ready-made lesson plans, high-quality videos and more.

Available for: IGCSE™ - Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Combined Sciences, Co-ordinated Sciences, First Language English, Literature in English, Mathematics, Business Studies

O Level - Biology, Chemistry and Physics

Cambridge International AS & A Level - Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics 

Approaches to Learning and Teaching

Created in partnership between Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment International Education, this series offers key advice for inclusive education, assessment for learning and more. Available in print and digital formats and suitable for lower secondary, IGCSE™ and Cambridge International AS & A Level teachers.

Available for: English, Maths, Science, Global Perspectives, Business and Economics, Geography, Primary, Art and Design, History, Modern Foreign Languages


Unsure how to use these resources together? Follow the pathway below to see how we can assist you on the return to school. 

address gaps
address gaps
address gaps
address gaps
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