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Our innovative products and services for learners, authors and customers are based on world-class research and are relevant, exciting and inspiring.
- Academic Research, Teaching and Learning
- English Language Learning
- English Language Assessment
- International Education
- Educational resources for schools
- Bibles
- Educational Research & Network
- Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing
- Cambridge CEM
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We unlock the potential of millions of people worldwide. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world.
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- How much learning has taken place during lockdown?
How much learning has taken place during lockdown?

Use these products to help you recognise the progress made by your learners recently and understand their current learning level. If you find any gaps, use these resources to help fill them.
Baseline assessments
Our computer-adaptive baseline tests will help you diagnose student potential and give you a quick overview of your students’ strengths and weaknesses.
Available for: Primary, Lower Secondary, IGCSE™ and A Level
Past papers
Prepare your students for assessment with our collection of past papers across Primary, Lower Secondary, IGCSE™s and AS & A Level.
Available for: All Cambridge Assessment International Education syllabuses
Quizzes on subject knowledge by topic
Explore our collection of interactive quizzes inside our digital coursebooks to help you identify learners’ understanding.
Available for: IGCSE™ and A Level
Confidence checker
To be used by students. This tool helps you understand how confident your learners are feeling about their studies.
Available for: IGCSE™ and A Level
Progression Tests
Measure improvements in your learners at the end of a topic with our tests, and understand areas for development.
Available for: Primary & Lower Secondary- English as a First Language, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Science.
Test Maker
Create customised tests by topic from past papers to check prior learning before moving on.
Available for: IGCSE™ Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Additional Mathematics
Quizzes on syllabus requirements
Help your students to understand the curriculum requirements and orient themselves for their studies again.
Available for: IGCSE™ and A Level
Unsure how to use these resources together? Follow the pathway below to see how we can assist you on the return to school.

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What we do
- Academic Research, Teaching and Learning
- English Language Learning
- English Language Assessment
- International Education
- Educational resources for schools
- Educational Research & Network
- Bibles
- Partnership for Education
- Author support
- Bookshop
- Assessment Research
- Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing
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