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- ISBN:9780521578776
- Format:Paperback
- Subject(s):Latin
- Author(s): Cambridge School Classics Project
- Available from: August 1996
A classic anthology for GCSE.
The eight sections of adapted prose include sections from Apuleius, Caesar, Cicero, Pliny, Sallust, Tacitus, and the Acts of the Apostles in the Vulgate. Glosses and other explanations are provided opposite each of the texts, and the writing is illustrated throughout by paintings and photographs of artifacts and places in the Roman world. For the student, there is a complete vocabulary at the end of the book, and, for the teacher, there is an accompanying handbook giving additional information and suggestions for discussion and work in the classroom.
- Contents
Covers a wide range of prose and poetry.
Prepares students for reading a range of Roman authors in the original.
Glosses, explanations and a complete vocabulary are included.
- Orpheus et Eurydice (Virgil)
- Nisus et Euryalus (Virgil)
- Echo et Narcissus (Ovid)
- Baucis et Philemon (Ovid)
- amor (Catullus, martial, Ovid, Horace, Petronius)
- Otium (Martial, Horace, Catullus, Ovid)
- vita rustica et vita urbna (Martial, Ovid, Horace)
- de cultu deorum et vita hominum (Horace, martial, Virgil, Seneca, Lucretius)
- Germanicus et Piso (Tacitus)
- Messalina (Tacitus)
- avunculus meus (Pliny)
- sagae Thessalae (Apuleius)
- tres feminae (Pliny)
- personae non gratae (Cicero, Pliny, Sallust)
- Druides (Caesar, Tacitus, Pliny the Elder)
- tumultus et rebellio (Tacitus, Vulgate)
- Vocabulary.
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