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Francis O'Hara
Francis O'Hara is an English language teacher, author and translator.
Born in Ireland, trained in the UK, Switzerland and Italy he has over 25 years experience of teaching, researching and writing, 20 of these years spent in the south of France where he now lives and works.
He is the author of Be My Guest, the successful English language course for the hotel and catering industry, published by Cambridge University Press in 2002. Visit his dedicated Be My Guest website at www.be-my-guest.net.
He has also published a number of prize-winning poems, stories and articles for the international press.
Please feel free to contact the author at francis.ohara@cegetel.net.
Cambridge University Press bibliography
Be My Guest
English for the Hotel IndustryBe My Guest is a language course for pre and in-service students of English in the hotel industry at the elementary to lower intermediate level.
Author: Francis O'HaraEnglish Type: British EnglishCEF Level: A1 - B1Publication date: 26/09/2002
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