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Paul Nation
Paul Nation is an Associate Professor (Reader) in Applied Linguistics at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand where he teaches courses in pedagogical grammar, curriculum design and teaching and learning vocabulary. He also supervises MA and PhD research on vocabulary. Current topics being supervised include a corpus study of idioms, vocabulary growth in an English Proficiency programme, development of a vocabulary size test, the nature of academic vocabulary, and learning vocabulary through listening and discussion.
He has taught in Indonesia, Thailand, the United States, Finland and Japan. His publications include articles and books on teaching and learning vocabulary, language teaching methodology, and curriculum design. In addition he has written several booklets to be used in the courses he teaches, and has developed a substantial data base of publications on vocabulary which are classified into a wide range of categories.
His forthcoming articles deal with vocabulary density and reading, language curriculum design, vocabulary and graded readers, and equivalent forms of a dictation test of vocabulary.
To find out more about Paul Nation's other publications visit the Victoria University of Wellington website.
Cambridge University Press bibliography
Learning Vocabulary in Another Language 2nd Edition
An updated edition of the key reference work in the area of second and foreign language vocabulary studies.
Author: I. S. P NationEnglish Type: British EnglishPublication date: 31/10/2013UnavailableLearning Vocabulary in Another Language
This book provides pedagogical suggestions for both teachers and learners.
Author: Paul NationPublication date: 15/03/2001
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