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Cambridge Clarion Bibles present the text in a single column, with the cross-references in the outer margin, giving the page a very well laid out appearance. The type size is just under 9 point with generous line spacing and is set in Lexicon No.1, a modern digital font that is extremely readable even in small type. Now the English Standard Version comes in this format.
These are Bibles of the highest quality, printed on India paper and Smyth-sewn for flexibility and endurance. They come in a range of superior binding styles: calf split leather, top-grain calfskin, and edge-lined goatskin, all with two ribbons. There are 15 maps and a concordance.
- paragraph format
- superb readability
- text runs across the page like an ordinary book
Features of edition:
- India paper
- black-letter text
- cross-references
- concordance
- 15 colour maps
- two ribbons
- gilt or art-gilt edges
The text block, font choice and page layout are what really make this Bible shine for me. The font was chosen because set on the page, it looks bigger than it really is. Cambridge deserves a lot of credit here.CAM HYDE, PASTOR AND FOUNDER OF THE ROOTS STUDENT MINISTRY IN EAST BERNSTADT, KENTUCKYWhat we do
- Academic Research, Teaching and Learning
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- English Language Assessment
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- Educational Research & Network
- Bibles
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- Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing
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