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Australian Politics in the Twenty-First Century Old Institutions, New Challenges


, University of Sydney, , Queensland University of Technology, , University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, , University of Queensland, , Monash University, Victoria
Published 2022


The global political environment in the twenty-first century is proving dynamic and challenging for Australian policymakers and political institutions. Australian Politics in the Twenty-first Century contextualises the Australian political landscape through an institutional lens. It examines the legislative and judicial bodies, minor parties, lobby groups, the media and the citizenry, providing historical and contemporary facts, explaining political issues and examining new challenges. The second edition has been updated to reflect the application of political theories in today's civic environment. New…

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Key features

  • structure (number and length of chapters) that suits most courses
  • accessible for introductory readers
  • up-to-date with 2022 Federal election included

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