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Elementary Statistics for Public Administration An Applied Perspective


, Texas Tech University
Published 2024


Taking a simplified approach to statistics, this textbook teaches students the skills required to conduct and understand quantitative research. It provides basic mathematical instruction without compromising on analytical rigor, covering the essentials of research design; descriptive statistics; data visualization; and statistical tests including t-tests, chi-squares, ANOVAs, Wilcoxon tests, OLS regression, and logistic regression. Step-by-step instructions with screenshots are used to help students master the use of the freely accessible software R Commander. Ancillary resources include a solutions manual and figure…

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Key features

  • Provides an accessible introduction to data collection and analysis for complete beginners, requiring no mathematical expertise
  • Illustrates mathematical equations using guided instructions, figures, and tables
  • Uses real-world data and examples from familiar settings to promote student comprehension
  • Includes software practice sets and end-of-chapter problems to guide students to a strong grasp of the concepts
  • Offers instructors flexibility in teaching through the provision of online appendices with instruction for STATA and SPSS

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