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European Union Law Text and Materials


, National University of Singapore, , Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, , Tilburg University, The Netherlands, , London School of Economics and Political Science
Published 2024


This new edition sets out an account of EU law that includes not only that law's established features, but captures its development in recent years and the challenges facing the European Union. With dedicated new chapters on climate change, data protection, free movement of capital, and the EU's relations with other European States, topics such as the Union's response to covid-19 and the Ukraine crisis are addressed in detail. As with previous editions, the new edition integrates case law, legislation,…

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Key features

  • A new edition that sets out an account of EU law that includes not only that law's established features, but captures its development in recent years and the challenges facing the European Union
  • New chapters on climate change, data protection, free movement of capital, and the EU's relations with other European States
  • Integrates case law, legislation, academic materials and wider policy contributions in a way that broadens students' understanding of the law

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