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The Cambridge Old English Reader


, University of Nottingham
Published 2015


This reader remains the only major new reader of Old English prose and verse in the past forty years. The second edition is extensively revised throughout, with the addition of a new 'Beginning Old English' section for newcomers to the Old English language, along with a new extract from Beowulf. The fifty-seven individual texts include established favourites such as The Battle of Maldon and Wulfstan's Sermon of the Wolf, as well as others not otherwise readily available, such as an…

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Key features

  • Includes fifty-seven texts, including a wide range of prose and verse passages
  • Provides extensive annotation for each text, with glossing of words and phrases, and same-page modern English glosses for every prose-passage and poem
  • Contains a reference grammar of Old English, a guide to pronunciation, and a comprehensive glossary

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