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- Theory of Knowledge
- Theory of Knowledge for the IB Diploma
- ISBN:9781108928694
- Format:eBooks
- Subject(s):Theory of Knowledge
- Qualification:IB Diploma
- Author(s):Wendy Heydorn, Susan Jesudason
- Available from: November 2020
Help your students to flourish as knowers with this updated series for first examination 2022.
Written by experienced authors and examiners, this skills book provides you with a wealth of practice opportunities to develop your core TOK skills and build confidence. It works in perfect partnership with the course guide and includes a number of features that put your learning into practice, such as ‘Real-life situations’, ‘TOK in your life’ and ‘Think about’ activities. ‘Key Points’ help you focus your learning and check your understanding as you navigate through the chapters. With examination practice at the end of every chapter and two dedicated assessment chapters, you will feel thoroughly prepared for exam success.
- Contents
‘TOK in your life’ delves into your own experiences and includes activities to explore your personal journey as a knower
‘Real-life situations’ explore how TOK manifests in the world around you
‘TOK Links’ connect TOK themes across other subjects in the IB Diploma
‘Top tips’ decode key concepts, skills and assessment
‘Key terms’ unlock the meaning of specific vocabulary and phrases within the texts
‘Skills self-assessment checklists’ help you to reflect on your achievement through the chapter and assesses your confidence level
Assessment tasks at the end of every chapter - including two dedicated chapters, develop key skills for the essay and exhibition
- Introduction
- Part 1. Knowers and knowing: 1. Who is the Knower?
- 2. The Problem of Knowledge
- 3. Knowledge Questions and the Knowledge Framework
- 4. Truth and Wisdom
- Part 2. Optional themes: 5. Knowledge and Technology
- 6. Knowledge and Language
- 7. Knowledge and Politics
- 8. Knowledge and Religion
- 9. Knowledge and Indigenous Societies
- Part 3. Areas of Knowledge: 10. History
- 11 The Arts
- 12
- Mathematics
- 13. The Natural Sciences
- 14. The Human Sciences
- Part 4. Assessment: 15 The ToK Exhibition and the ToK Essay
- Glossary.
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