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- Careers

Alan Maley
Alan Maley has been in the field of TESL for over 40 years. After being at the University of Leeds under Peter Strevens in the early 1960s, he worked as an English Language Officer with the British Council for over 25 years. His career took him to places as diverse as Yugoslavia, Ghana, Italy, France, P.R. China and India.
He left the Council in 1988 to take over as Director-General of the Bell Educational Trust in Cambridge, where he stayed for 5 years. Between 1988 and 1992 he was the Chair of IATEFL and was very active in promoting links with other teachers' associations worldwide, especially in Central Europe. In 1993 he took up a position as Senior Fellow in the Department of English Language and Literature at the National University of Singapore, where he stayed for 5 years.
He subsequently set up and directed the Master's programme in ELT at Assumption University Bangkok. (1999-2004).
He currently divides his time between work asVisiting Professor at Leeds Metropolitan University, writing, short-term teaching assignments, mainly in SE Asia, and freelance consultancy work.
He has been active in the field of publishing for many years, especially in the area of resource books for teachers. At present he is working on a study of the phenomena of repetition and reformulation in language teaching.
Cambridge University Press publications Drama Techniques (2005, 3rd edition) (with Alan Duff, Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers) A Tangled Web (Cambridge English Readers) He Knows Too Much (Cambridge English Readers) The Best of Times? (Cambridge English Readers)
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