- ISBN:9781316623053
- Format:Print/online bundle
- Subject(s):Mathematics
- Qualification:CBSE
- Author(s):
- Available from: March 2016
HOTmaths is a Global Learning Solution in Mathematics for Indian Schools.
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×- Contents
A clear learning objective focus for each activity consolidates and reinforces learning through various logical and engaging activities and problems.
Focuses on developing problem-solving abilities.
Task: Well thought through problems and activities to motivate student to think and apply the knowledge gained through portal.
Extension: Activities to build a strong platform for concepts and develop capability to comprehend more complicated concepts at the secondary level.
The Parent’s Guide help the parents to guide their children to use the Cambridge HOTmaths resources effectively.
The book is designed to help parents make mathematics more meaningful and understandable for their children.
Lesson Notes take a student through a lesson with step-by-step explanation of the topic.
Widgets are interactive in nature. These integrate Maths Lab Activities with the topics.
Hotsheets are practice sheets based on the topic the students are learning.
The Walkthroughs act as a step-by-step guide for a parent or student and walk them through a given problem type.
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