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Our innovative products and services for learners, authors and customers are based on world-class research and are relevant, exciting and inspiring.
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We unlock the potential of millions of people worldwide. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world.
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- Versions
- English Standard Version
ESV Bible editions
- King James Version
- New English Bible
- New International Version
- New King James Version
- New Revised Standard Version
- Revised English Bible
- Revised Version
- Tyndale
- Original Greek
- Prayer Books
The Turquoise Reference Bible was originally created in the 1920s and has stood as a superb and well loved example of classic Cambridge typographic design for nearly a hundred years.
The text is presented in a large, bold, traditional typeface, with cross-references, and the words of Christ whilst on earth are printed in red. The concordance has been freshly typeset for this edition, which also includes a map section and the Translators’ Preface – their compelling account of the principles underlying the publication of the KJV in 1611.
The Bible is printed on fine India paper and fully sewn, allowing it to lie flat when in use and adding extra durability. It is available in calf split leather, calfskin and goatskin. The calfskin and goatskin bindings are edge-lined for added suppleness. The calfskin Bible also features a full yapp, whereby the covers are extended to give extra protection to the gilded page edges. This feature, together with the raised spine hubs are traditional bookbinding techniques.
The large format, superior materials and manufacturing excellence make this a perfect choice as a desk or presentation Bible for those in Christian ministry.
What we do
- Academic Research, Teaching and Learning
- English Language Learning
- English Language Assessment
- International Education
- Educational resources for schools
- Educational Research & Network
- Bibles
- Partnership for Education
- Author support
- Bookshop
- Assessment Research
- Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing
© 2025 Cambridge University Press & Assessment
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