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- ISBN:9781108539098
- Format:Paperback
- Subject(s):Chemistry
- Qualification:Cambridge AS and A Level
- Author(s):Roger Norris, Mike Wooster
- Available from: September 2018
Fully revised and updated content matching the Cambridge International AS & A Level Chemistry syllabus (9701).
This teacher's guide complements the practical workbook, helping you include more practical work in your Cambridge International AS & A Level Chemistry lessons. It contains advice about planning investigations, guidance about safety considerations, as well as differentiated learning suggestions to support students who might be struggling and those who are more able. This guide contains answers to all the questions in the practical workbook and includes sample data to be used when an investigation cannot be carried out.
- Contents
Specific guidance with setting up and safely carrying out each of the investigations in the Cambridge International AS & A Level Chemistry Practical Workbook saves you preparation time.
Differentiated learning suggestions support students who might be struggling, and stretch students who are most able.
Contains all the answers to the questions in the practical workbook to help you mark quickly and confidently.
Contains sample data you can use when an investigation cannot be carried out.
- Introduction
- Safety information
- Quick Skills
- 1. Masses, moles and atoms
- 2. Structure and bonding
- 3. Enthalpy changes: 4. Chemical reactions
- 5. Equilibrium
- 6. Rates of reaction
- 7. The properties of metals
- 8. The properties of non-metals
- 9. Hydrocarbons and halogenoalkenes
- 10. Organic compounds containing oxygen
- 11. More about enthalpy changes
- 12. Electrochemistry
- 13. Further aspects of equilibria
- 14. Reaction kinetics
- 15. Transition elements
- 16. More about organic chemistry
- 17. Identifying organic compounds.
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