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Our innovative products and services for learners, authors and customers are based on world-class research and are relevant, exciting and inspiring.
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We unlock the potential of millions of people worldwide. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world.
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Our primary teaching resources empower teachers to help young children develop their skills from a young age, in subjects including English, mathematics, science, Latin and computing. Nurture budding young scientists on their journey to a career in science, and encourage young writers to perfect their handwriting and reading skills. Our primary teaching resources cater to all primary teaching levels.
Take them on an adventure with jungle animals, heroic protagonists and friendship building in Bodman and Franklin’s Cambridge Reading Adventures. Embark on a trip down memory lane to the origin of Latin, and how to grasp the grammatical structure of this language. Provide them with handwriting guidance in our Year 1 practice book.
Teach them how to tell the time in a fun, engaging way. Our primary teaching books can help you nurture primary learners from a young age, where they can begin to recognise their passions and flair for certain subjects.
Our primary education resources are ideal for helping children learn. With the help of our books, media tools and other useful information, you can build their confidence in primary English, primary Latin and primary science, ready for secondary learning and further.
If you require assistance with deciding which primary teaching books are right for your students, contact your local sales representative.
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