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Cosmic Revolutionary - media

Join the Revolution

In the Media 


Luke Barnes and Geraint Lewis: featured guests. 

INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE with Brian Keating: Cosmic Revolutionary's Handbook: How to BEAT Big Bang Cosmology with Geraint Lewis & Luke Barnes

Checklist for constructing your own big bang alternative:

1. Know your enemy: Learn the mathematical model that undergirds the big bang theory.

2. Prepare your rival: Your theory of the universe needs to be precisely formulated, ready for anyone to use to predict data.

3. Olbers's paradox: Explain why the sky is dark at night.

...Engage scientists through the right channels, be patient, and strike a blow for the revolution! (Just be sure to give Luke and Geraint at least some of the credit.)

Extra credit: leave a comment with the analogous checklist, but for Theories of Everything!"

EDITORIAL. July 2020

Including Interview with Luke Barnes and Geraint Lewis 


Troy Farah - Supercluster   

"A new book outlines how to upend the most dominant theory in cosmology. Good luck actually doing it...

"Of course, cosmic theories are based on mountains of data, not whimsical guesses. Yet, how do scientists really know a supermassive black hole is at the center of the Milky Way? How do scientists know distant nebulae are (sometimes) made of hydrogen clouds? How do scientists know 14 billion years ago there was a massive explosion of matter and energy that formed everything in our universe?"

-Troy Farah

RADIO - ABC. July 2020

Geraint Lewis: Guest. 

The Science Show with Robyn Williams 

"Robyn Williams: Why isn't the sky ablaze because there are so many stars and so much light, it should be on all the time.

"Geraint Lewis: That's right, and so if you have a universe that has existed forever and you have a universe filled with stars, well then you better be able to explain why the night sky is dark and not as bright as the surface of a star..."

BLOG POST June 2020

Greg Laden's Blog 

Overthrowing The Big Bang Thery

 " will find new ways to think about all that old stuff. If you really do have  a new theory of everything, this book will give you some useful advice on how to buy your ticket into the physics game. Like, that you have to make sure your theory of everything works in a way that does not result in the night sky being as bright as the day sky, or makes light do something it does not do, and so on. Also, do not use many different TYPE FACES AND all caps in your write-up.."

Greg Laden


Forbes: Editors' Pick

Is It Time to Dethrone The Big Bang Theory?

"The authors do their best to stress that science isn’t perfect and that the Big Bang theory’s journey from crackpot idea to accepted science has been long and messy, and isn’t over yet—no idea scientific is ever proved to be true beyond any doubt. That’s largely because some people make a massive mistake about where science comes from. “We find that science is either idealised into a perfect knowledge-generating machine run by robots, or denigrated as a greedy power grab by self-appointed ‘experts’ whose job is to confuse us with big words and mathematics,” says Lewis."

Jamie Carter 

PODCAST. May 2020

Geraint Lewis: featured guest. 

Shirtloads of Science: The Cosmic Revolutionary's Handbook (184)

"Dr Karl & Prof G. Lewis discuss the gaps and guesses that string together our understanding of the Cosmos. So what happens if we find a mistake in one of Einstein's predictions? It's one of the discussion points in Geraint Lewis' latest book written with Luke Barnes."

LISTICLE April 2020

The Cosmic Revolutionary's Handbook: featured title 

5 Cosmology Books to Make Your World Feel a Little Bigger

Farhenheit: PopScienceBookClub   

"If you’re stuck at home, what you need is some reading material that will make your world feel a little bigger. Even if there’s no room to stretch your legs, there’s always room to expand your mind. Let’s take a dive into cosmology, a branch of astronomy reserved for the most curious and imaginitive of wonderers..." 

-Nelson Noven

Video: Interview with Geraint Lewis 

Latest Reviews

Astronomy Now - October 2020

From two Sydney-based cosmologists comes this book that shows how you can overturn the Big Bang model and become a cosmic revolutionary. All your pet theory needs to do is explain the CMB radiation, galaxy redshifts, the flatness problem, the horizon problem, galaxy formation and the cosmic web of matter, the Hubble–Lemaître Law, the formation and abundance of the primordial elements, the Lyman-alpha forest and much more. Importantly, your theory needs to be able to do all this with mathematics – because, point out the authors, saying you have a cosmological theory but just needing someone to do the maths for you is like claiming you’ve come up with a great concerto and then asking a musician to write the music for you.

So The Cosmic Revolutionary’s Handbook is ostensibly aimed at those readers (for some reason they are often retired engineers, say the authors, which this reviewer can corroborate!) who fancy themselves as amateur cosmologists and think that with a few badly thought out ideas scrawled on the back of a utility bill they can prove scientists wrong. In their book, the authors describe the unbiased observations of the Universe that any cosmological theory has to explain. They then describe how the Big Bang theory explains these observations, what deficiencies exist in that theory, and what rival theories have tried to do and why they’ve mostly fallen by the wayside.

In truth I’m a little unsure who the audience for this book is meant to be. It is a very good book, but the arguments can be complicated in places and a beginner could easily become confused. Some knowledge of cosmology is required. But I also suspect that many die-hard cosmic revolutionaries will be too stubborn to listen to what the authors are saying. However, I learned a lot from the book, so if you already have a basic background knowledge of cosmology and want to learn more about its intricacies (and to argue successfully with the revolutionaries), then this is definitely the book for you

Review by Keith Cooper

CHOICE - September 2020

The general educated public has heard about many key terms of modern science: 'evolution,' 'virus,' 'quantum theory,' and the 'big bang,' for example. But the framework and methodology of science are barely understood by most … Here, Barnes (Western Sydney Univ.) and Lewis (Sydney Institute for Astronomy) inform the general reader about many fascinating aspects of astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology. The book is full of scientific facts and clarifying figures. More importantly, it clarifies the routes that lead to major scientific results …

Readers will gain a more than nodding acquaintance with the basics of astrophysics, including magnetic monopoles, dark matter, the inflationary model, and related key concepts It is unlikely that this book will silence the many anti-science... [whose] ideas are propagated with ease in our own times. But books like this will inform and educate those who respect science and are willing to learn about good science and how it is done. This should be required reading for all college students, regardless of their major.

Review by V. V. Raman,

Rochester Institute of Technology

More Reviews 

Can You Beat the Big Bang?

Quick Fire Questions with Geraint Lewis

How can we be sure that the universe began in a Big Bang?

How do we know that Hoyle's "steady state" universe is wrong?

What are some of the problems with the big bang theory?

What's the minimum that a new theory of the universe needs to explain?

Find More Quick Fire Questions with Geraint Lewis at our Vimeo Showcase



'Overthrowing all of modern cosmology isn't easy, but it could happen. Maybe you will be the one to do it! If you're up for the challenge, Luke A. Barnes and Geraint F. Lewis tell you exactly what you have to accomplish. Even if you don't topple the stodgy edifice of modern science, you'll certainly learn some exciting things about the universe along the way.'

Sean Carroll, author of Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime


'If you are looking for a fun rendezvous with the universe, this is the book for you! Barnes and Lewis help you understand the basics of cosmology with simplicity and clarity - quite a feat given the complexity of our universe.'

Priyamvada Natarajan, author of Mapping the Heavens: The Radical Scientific Ideas that Reveal the Cosmos


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