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Our science resources cover a wide range of syllabuses, taking students from primary learning to A level, IB Diploma and beyond. From biology, chemistry and physics to combined science and earth and environmental science, our science resources cater to immediate studying needs.
Students will learn how to analyse data and explore theories regarding human population, water management and environmental energy resources. Discover more about hydrocarbons and collision theory while they consider marine science and oceanography. Teach young scientists about animal anatomy, plants and light. Our science books are designed to help students recognise their passion for science, and enjoy learning about it at different stages of their education.
For students wishing to consider science based careers, our selection of science resources, digital media tools and science study guides are ideal. We understand the pressure of taking a subject further to higher education and beyond, which is why our science resources help students develop their skills from a young age.
Looking for the best resources for your students who study science? Contact your local sales representative for more information.
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