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Our innovative products and services for learners, authors and customers are based on world-class research and are relevant, exciting and inspiring.
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We unlock the potential of millions of people worldwide. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world.
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Our literacy teaching resources enable teachers to empower their students by helping them develop key literacy skills from a young age. Our literacy books help primary level students gain confidence with reading, understanding key messages, and with practising their handwriting – vital skills they will use throughout their lives, in both their career and beyond.
The Cambridge Reading Adventures series is an ideal resource for the development of young students’ reading skills. Little readers can enjoy the adventures of jungle animal friends in our fiction books, recognising words and pictures while non-fiction books give them the chance to improve their reading skills, all while learning about occurences in the world around them… Did they know so many different animals laid eggs?
Our literacy resources also give students the confidence to improve their handwriting. Our Penpals for Handwriting books offer practical literacy activities, where children can go from being able to identify the different letters of the alphabet to confidently using joined-up handwriting. These primary literacy resources are based around handwriting best practices – are they sat with elbows off the desk? Are they holding their pencil properly?
If you need help deciding which primary literacy resources are right for your students, contact your local sales representative.
The Cambridge Reading Adventures series is an ideal resource for the development of young students’ reading skills. Little readers can enjoy the adventures of jungle animal friends in our fiction books, recognising words and pictures while non-fiction books give them the chance to improve their reading skills, all while learning about occurences in the world around them… Did they know so many different animals laid eggs?
Our literacy resources also give students the confidence to improve their handwriting. Our Penpals for Handwriting books offer practical literacy activities, where children can go from being able to identify the different letters of the alphabet to confidently using joined-up handwriting. These primary literacy resources are based around handwriting best practices – are they sat with elbows off the desk? Are they holding their pencil properly?
If you need help deciding which primary literacy resources are right for your students, contact your local sales representative.
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- Academic Research, Teaching and Learning
- English Language Learning
- English Language Assessment
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- Educational resources for schools
- Educational Research & Network
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- Assessment Research
- Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing
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