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- A/AS Level History
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- ISBN:9781107573161
- Format:Paperback
- Subject(s):History
- Qualification:AQA
- Author(s):Nick Pinfield, Michael Fordham, David Smith
- Available from: No date available
A new series of bespoke, full-coverage resources developed for the AQA 2015 A/AS Level History.
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Written for the AQA A/AS Level History specifications for first teaching from 2015, this print Student Book covers the Democracy and Nazism: Germany, 1918-1945 Depth component. Completely matched to the new AQA specification, this full-colour Student Book provides valuable background information to contextualise the period of study. Supporting students in developing their critical thinking, research and written communication skills, it also encourages them to make links between different time periods, topics and historical themes.
- Contents
Covers one Depth component for both AS and A Level, preparing students to engage with primary and contemporary evidence from a period of major historical change.
Supports students in developing their critical thinking, research and written communication skills.
Brings the past to life through contemporary source material and different historical perspectives, supporting students as they take a more reflective approach to their learning.
Encourages students to make links between different time periods, topics and historical themes.
Goes beyond the basics of A Level by including a range of primary and secondary sources, as well as historical interpretation and background material to help students put information into a wider context.
Includes timelines, family trees, maps, summaries of key events and profiles of key historical figures.
Clearly marked coverage of AS and A Level and differentiated activities to engage students of all abilities.
Part of our exciting new A/AS Level for AQA series, including 17 other Breadth and Depth A/AS Level History titles offering a ‘pick-and-mix’, customisable approach and supporting schools who offer more than one pathway through A/AS Level History.
A digital Cambridge Elevate-enhanced Edition is also available, allowing students and teachers to annotate text, add audio notes and link out to external resources.
- Part 1. The Weimar Republic, 1918-1933
- 1. The Establishment and early years of Weimar, 1918-1924
- 2. The 'Golden Age' of the Weimar Republic, 1924-1928
- 3. The Collapse of Democracy, 1928-1933
- Part 2. Nazi Germany, 1933-1945
- 4. The Nazi Dictatorship, 1933-1945
- 5. The Racial State, 1933-1941
- 6. The impact of war, 1939-1945
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