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Objective IELTS

Objective IELTS

An IELTS preparation course in two levels, Intermediate for students needing a band 5.0 - 6.0, Advanced for students aiming for Band 6.0 - 7.0.

Objective IELTS is a 2-level IELTS preparation course providing comprehensive training for both the Academic and General Training modules. The course is uniquely informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus, using analysis of real IELTS candidate papers. The 2 levels of Objective IELTS can be used on their own or consecutively, so that lower-level students requiring a high band score can start preparing early. Each level offers 60-80 hours of study, which can be extended using the Workbook and CD-ROM.

Key features

  • Vocabulary and grammar practice in every unit, and a separate 'Grammar folder' target areas most relevant to IELTS candidates.
  • A free accompanying CD-ROM for each level provides extra IELTS practice in each of the four skills, as well as further work on pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.
  • Regular 'Test folders' and 'Writing folders' provide thorough guidance and practice of every aspect of the test.
  • Regular revision sections motivate students by showing them how much they have achieved.
  • The twenty units cover a wide variety of topics over the course of each level, maintaining students' interest and giving a sense of meaningful progress.
  • The Workbook offers additional 'Writing workout' sections, along with a complete IELTS Reading module and extra reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar practice.
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Annette Capel, Wendy Sharp, Michael Black


Intermediate – Advanced

English Type

International English

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