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The following dates will help you find an approximate date for the printing of your Bible. The University Printer and address are often mentioned on the pages of the Bible that give the publication details.
Thomas Thomas 1583 1588 John Legate 1588 before 1593 John Porter before 1593 1606 Cantrell Legge 1606 before 1608 Thomas Brooke before 1608 1622 Thomas Buck 1625 ? John Buck ? 1630 Francis Buck 1630 1632 Roger Daniel 1632 1650 John Legate 1650 1655 John Field 1655 1669 Matthew Whinn 1669 John Hayes 1669 1680 John Peck 1680 1682 Hugh Martin 1682 1683 James Jackson 1683 1686 H Jenkes 1693 1697 Jonathan Pindar 1697 1705 Cornelius Crownfield 1705 1730 Mary Fenner, Thomas & John James 1734 1740 Joseph Bentham 1740 1758 John Baskerville 1758 1766 John Archdeacon 1766 1793 John Burges 1793 1802 John Deighton 1802 1804 Andrew Wilson 1804 1809 John Smith 1809 1836 John William Parker 1836 1854 George Seeley 1854 Charles John Clay 1854 1882 John Clay 1882 1886 Charles Felix Clay 1886 1916 James Bennet Peace 1916 1923 Walter Lewis 1923 1945 Brooke Crutchley 1945 1974 Euan Phillips 1974 1976 Harris Myers 1976 1982 Geoffrey Cass 1982 1983 Philip Allin 1983 1991 Geoffrey Cass 1991 1992 Anthony K Wilson 1992 1999 Jeremy Mynott 1999 2002 Stephen Bourne 2002 2012 Peter Phillips 2012 What we do
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