- ISBN:9781107465558
- Format:Cambridge Elevate
- Subject(s):Computer Science
- Qualification:OCR
- Author(s):Alistair Surrall, Adam Hamflett
- Available from: August 2015
- Notes: Not available for credit card purchase. Please contact Customer Services.
A new series of print and digital resources developed for the 2015 OCR and Eduqas A/AS Level Computer Science qualifications.
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×- Contents
A clear chapter structure using varied formats, including narrative text, images, photographs, interactive exercises and animated tutorials.
Rich in digital content, including quiz banks, images, photographs, interactive exercises and animated tutorials.
Progress tracking and analytics function - students can check their progress and teachers can monitor the progress of the entire class.
Links to free resources to help students further their learning.
Glossary terms & synoptic links.
Available online and on tablet devices through the Cambridge Elevate app.
- Author(s)
- 1. Thinking abstractly
- 2. Thinking ahead
- 3. Thinking procedurally
- 4. Thinking logically
- 5. Thinking concurrently
- 6. Programming techniques
- 7. Computational methods
- 8. Algorithms.
Adam Hamflett
Adam is the head of Computing at the Piggott School and has 10 years experience teaching A-Level Computing. He gained a first class honours degree in Computer Science from a Russell group university and before being a teacher, he worked as a software engineer working for companies including Accenture and 3Com. Adam is also involved in developing subject enrichment courses with Reading University and the Wokingham federation of schools. He has led INSET in Python programming for teachers, tackling GCE and GCSE Computing.

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