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We unlock the potential of millions of people worldwide. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world.
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- Versions
- English Standard Version
ESV Bible editions
- King James Version
- New English Bible
- New International Version
- New King James Version
- New Revised Standard Version
- Revised English Bible
- Revised Version
- Tyndale
- Original Greek
- Prayer Books
In this groundbreaking edition of the King James Version, David Norton painstakingly collated the established text of the KJV with the Translators’ original notes. He presented the text as intended by them, but introduced consistent modern spelling and presentation for ease of use.
The Bible is small enough to carry on the person and comes either with or without the Apocrypha.
- Bible paper
- black-letter text
- Translators' Preface
- Translators' marginal notes
Features of edition:
- single-column format for ease of reading
- with or without the Apocrypha
- modern spelling and punctuation
Table of corrections and amendments to the first edition, incorporated in the 2011 edition
A necessary edition for everyone who prefers the King James 1611 tradition ... the most faithful presentation of the King James Bible there has ever been, with the exception of rather mild modernization of the language.JAMES D PRICE, PROFESSOR OF HEBREW AND OLD TESTAMENT, TEMPLE BAPTIST SEMINARY, CHATTANOOGAProduct details
Typography: approx. 8 ½ / 10 ¼ point Swift
Page size: 210 x 146 mm
Page extent: 1566 pp., with Apocrypha 1856 pp.
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