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Validating Second Language Reading Examinations

Product details
Validating Second Language Reading Examinations

Validating Second Language Reading Examinations
Establishing the Validity of the GEPT through Alignment with the Common European Framework of Reference


Rachel Yi-fen Wu

English Type

British English







Date Published

September 2014

Product description

This volume describes an empirical framework for test validation and comparison of level-based test batteries.

The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and two levels (Preliminary and First) of a CEFR-aligned multilevel test battery, served as external referents for a review of the similarities and differences between General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) reading components, and a five-level criterion-referenced EEFL testing system, developed in the Taiwanese education context, targeting CEFR levels B1 and B2. Findings from the studies support the validity of the GEPT in general, and suggest the procedures recommended by the Council of Europe for linking examinations to the CEFR are not effective in ensuring equivalence between different examinations targeting the same CEFR level.

Key features

  • Reviews literature on CEFR alignment procedures and linking studies, vertical scaling, test specifications, and test comparability.
  • Describes methodologies to establish internal and external validity of reading tests.
  • Critiques procedures for linking examinations to the CEFR and extends the literature on using the CEFR.

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