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Our innovative products and services for learners, authors and customers are based on world-class research and are relevant, exciting and inspiring.
- Academic Research, Teaching and Learning
- English Language Learning
- English Language Assessment
- International Education
- Educational resources for schools
- Bibles
- Educational Research & Network
- Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing
- Cambridge CEM
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- The Cambridge Mathematics Project
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We unlock the potential of millions of people worldwide. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world.
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- Versions
- English Standard Version
ESV Bible editions
- King James Version
- New English Bible
- New International Version
- New King James Version
- New Revised Standard Version
- Revised English Bible
- Revised Version
- Tyndale
- Original Greek
- Prayer Books
Two Bibles in one, combining the texts of the Revised Version of 1885 and the King James Version. The interlinear arrangement shows the differences between the two Bible versions. The words common to both versions are printed in regular type; where there is a difference, the RV rendering is printed in the top half of the line and the KJV below.
Cambridge offers a cross-reference Bible printed on India-style paper and bound in calfskin leather. This has a section of lined paper for notes, a reading guide, and maps. An appendix shows the variant readings of the American revisers as later used in the American Standard Version.
There is also a papaerback volume containing the Psalms, with wide margins for notes.
Bible Features
- India paper
- black-letter text
- cross-references
- presentation page
- Bible Companion reading guide
- 15 colour maps
- art-gilt edges
- footnotes
- lined paper for notes
- two ribbon markers
Binding options
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What we do
- Academic Research, Teaching and Learning
- English Language Learning
- English Language Assessment
- International Education
- Educational resources for schools
- Educational Research & Network
- Bibles
- Partnership for Education
- Author support
- Bookshop
- Assessment Research
- Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing
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