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Mandy Loader
Mandy Loader went to Paris to teach EFL soon after getting her first degree in English. Two years later she travelled across Siberia to Tokyo, where she taught for two years – and met her future husband. She then taught in Morocco for several years, during which time she did a lot of windsurfing, got an MA in Applied Linguistics and had her first child. Back in the UK, she settled down to raising her brood and freelance writing. She has written numerous language books and courses, but particularly enjoys writing readers. In a dull moment between projects, she qualified in Basic Skills and has taught ESOL and Adult Literacy in the UK, as well as providing training in the government-funded Skills for Life initiative.
In her free time Mandy loves sailing, gardening and travelling, preferably somewhere warm.
Cambridge University Press publications Eye of the Storm (Cambridge English Readers) Amazing Young Sports People (Cambridge Discovery Readers)
Cambridge University Press bibliography
Cambridge Experience Readers American English
Cambridge Experience Readers is a graded readers series of original fiction, adapted fiction and non-fiction especially written for teenagers.
CEF Level: A1 - C2Publication date: 17/06/2010Cambridge Experience Readers
Cambridge Experience Readers is an award-winning series of graded readers including original fiction, adapted fiction and non-fiction especially written for teenagers.
English Type: International EnglishCEF Level: A1 - C2Publication date: 15/04/2009
What we do
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