Our pedagogy research
By carrying out research into what works best for teachers and learners we make sure that everything we do is underpinned and improved by evidence.
We deliver insights from cutting-edge research in useful and practical guidance that teachers can use in their teaching.
Scroll down the page to see our full range of Cambridge Papers in ELT.
Our Principles of Language Learning
The design of our courses and learning materials is underpinned by the Cambridge Principles of Language Learning. These principles have been distilled from a wide range of research into second language acquisition, which analyses the impact of different approaches on language learning. From this research, we have identified key principles that form the basis of all our learning materials.
Practical outcomes of pedagogical research
Our commitment to research enables us to deliver useful and practical guidance that teachers can use to promote research-informed practices.
We develop frameworks and approaches that teachers can integrate into their teaching; they enable teachers to select the most relevant research for their own practices that is right for their students. We also publish research papers that provide insight into the research behind current issues and trends in ELT, alongside practical ideas to implement in classrooms.
Our research, helping your teaching
Written with leading experts, the Cambridge Papers in ELT series connects the deeper insights of linguistic and pedagogical research with the reality of everyday ELT practice. Explore the extensive range of topics covered in our series to access relevant, evidence-based support and practical ideas to implement in your classroom.
Recently published
Flipped learning
What is flipped learning, and how can we best use it for teaching English language learners?
Digital Pedagogy for Young Learners
What pedagogical principles should we consider when using digital technologies with primary and pre-primary language learners?
Sustainability in ELT
What are sustainability skills and how can we integrate them into our classroom practices?
Assessment for Young Learners in the English Language Classroom
What principles do we need to consider when assessing young learners?
English as a Medium of Learning (EML) in Primary
What are the benefits and challenges of teaching subject content in English? And how can you best deliver these types of programmes?
Cognitive control functions in language learning
What are cognitive control functions and how can we support their development through language learning?
English as a Medium of Learning (EML) in Schools: Part 1
What are the key approaches to EML, and why should it be implemented in schools? What challenges do teachers face in EML programmes?
Test anxiety in adult learners
How does test anxiety influence adult learners, and what can students and teachers do to mitigate feelings of test anxiety?
English as a Medium of Learning (EML) in Schools: Part 2
How can schools deliver EML programmes? How can teachers plan and evaluate in EML, and what support strategies are the most helpful?
All papers
ESL student success in the U.S.
How can we best prepare and support learners entering the ESL higher education sector in the U.S.?
Teaching grammar to adults
What are the best ways to teach grammar to adult learners of English, and why should we teach grammar explicitly?
Learning language in chunks
How can we teach chunks of language that don't fit into 'grammar' or single-word 'vocabulary' teaching methods?
Test anxiety in adult learners
How does test anxiety influence adult learners, and what can students and teachers do to mitigate feelings of test anxiety?
Critical thinking in EAP: a brief guide for teachers
What are the best ways for teachers to develop critical thinking skills in their EAP students?
Critical thinking in EAP: pathways for students
How can we support students throughout their EAP course to develop transferable critical thinking skills?
Developing critical thinking in EAP programmes
What strategies and techniques can we use to best embed critical thinking skills in EAP programmes?
The development of Oracy skills in school-aged learners
How can we encourage effective spoken communication across diverse social contexts?
Developing life skills through play
How can play-based approaches help to develop valuable life skills in young learners?
Enhancing student interaction in the language classroom
How to bring valuable peer interaction into the classroom?
Extensive reading for Primary ELT
How can extensive reading practices with young learners instil a love of reading and improved reading ability in English?
Extensive reading: why and how?
How does extensive reading help learners develop reading and broader language skills?
Personalization in adaptive learning technology
How can innovations in Natural Language Processing and semantic computing help develop tools for language learning?
Creating a safe speaking environment
What kind of environmental and contextual factors encourage students to speak in the language classroom?
The use of L1 in English language teaching
How can we best use learners' first language in the ELT classroom to support English learning?
How much time should we give to speaking practice?
How we can use the classroom time allocated for communicative tasks more efficiently?
Giving feedback to language learners
What are the different ways of giving feedback to language learners, and how can we choose the best kind of feedback for our students?
Phonics and Literacy instruction for young learners in EFL
Why is teaching phonics beneficial to young learners, and how can we teach this?
Cognitive control functions in language learning
What are cognitive control functions and how can we support their development through language learning?
Giving feedback on speaking
How best can we give students feedback on discussions, role plays, and problem-solving tasks?Â
Motivational aspects of using near peers as role models
What is the value of near-peer role models and how can we utilise them to motivate students?
Motivating learners with immersive speaking tasks
How do immersive tasks support learning, boost self-esteem and increase motivation?
Using learner-centred content in the classroom
How can learner-centred content increase student engagement and motivate language learners?
What's new in ELT besides technology?
What are the new trends in ELT that are shaping the way we teach and learn English?
Using mobile devices in the language classroom
How can we use mobile functions, apps, and web-based resources to develop language skills and cultural learning?
Visual literacy in English language teaching
How have the addition of engaging still and moving images to the written word transformed classrooms?
Blended language learning
How can blended learning put learners at the centre of the learning process, encourage independence, and help teachers support learning?
What do successful learners and teachers do?
What can learners and teachers do to support learning a language in the classroom?
Personalization of language learning through mobile technology
How can mobile learning personalise learning and improve language teaching?
Effective professional development: principles and best practice
How to best implement principles of professional teacher development?
English as a Medium of Learning (EML) in Primary
What are the benefits and challenges of teaching subject content in English? And how can you best deliver these types of programmes?
Digital Pedagogy for Young Learners
What pedagogical principles should we consider when using digital technologies with primary and pre-primary language learners?
Flipped learning
What is flipped learning, and how can we best use it for teaching English language learners?
Developing young writers in ELT
What are the best methods and practices we can use to support young learners in developing effective and proficient writing skills?
Assessment for Young Learners in the English Language Classroom
What principles do we need to consider when assessing young learners?
Specific learning difficulties in ELT
How can we support second language development in learners with specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia?
Sustainability in ELT
What are sustainability skills and how can we integrate them into our classroom practices?
Mediation: What is it, how to teach it and how to assess it
Find out why mediation is such a useful skill, how we can teach it and how we can assess it.
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