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Craig Thaine
Craig has been involved in ELT for 30 years. He is Cambridge DTEFLA qualified and also has an MA (Hons.) in Applied Linguistics. He has worked as a teacher and teacher trainer in many different countries including England, Italy, Egypt, Sweden and New Zealand. He is currently Director of Teacher Training at Languages International, Auckland and is a Cambridge ESOL Teaching Awards assessor for both the CELTA and Delta schemes.
Craig has extensive experience developing and teaching English language courses to adult learners, including ESP and EAP courses. Craig is co-author of Real Listening and Speaking Level 2 (2008) as well as being author of Teacher Training Essentials (2010) and Cambridge Academic English Intermediate (2012).
His publications include Real Listening & Speaking 2 (Cambridge English Skills), Teacher Training Essentials (Cambridge Copy Collection) and Cambridge Academic English (co-authored with Martin Hewings)
Cambridge University Press bibliography
Cambridge Academic English
An Integrated Skills Course for EAPCambridge Academic English is a three-level integrated skills course for higher education students at university or on foundation courses.
Authors: Martin Hewings, Craig Thaine, Michael McCarthyEnglish Type: International EnglishCEF Level: B1 - C1Publication date: 09/02/2012Teacher Training Essentials
Workshops for Professional DevelopmentThe essential resource for new and experienced teacher trainers.
Author: Craig ThaineEnglish Type: International EnglishPublication date: 21/10/2010Cambridge English Skills: Real Listening & Speaking
A four-level skills series for adults and young adults
Authors: Miles Craven, Craig Thaine, Sally LoganEnglish Type: British EnglishCEF Level: A2 - C1Publication date: 03/04/2008
What we do
- Academic Research, Teaching and Learning
- English Language Learning
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- Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing
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