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Les Recits de Resurrection des Morts dans le Nouveau Testament

NZD$82.95 inc GST

Part of Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series

  • Date Published: November 2005
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521018746

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About the Authors
  • The New Testament narratives reporting the resuscitation of dead persons by Jesus and Peter are discussed in detail in this monograph, and their theology is examined. The author compares the NT stories with the resuscitation episodes in the OT, and also with the broader category of NT miracle stories. This enables him to identify the features peculiar to the NT resuscitation accounts. Dr Rochais' analysis, using redaction-critical methods, demonstrates different stages in the formulation of the narratives, and attempts to identify the events or purposes underlying them. He makes reference to the development of Christology and the evolution of belief in the resurrection of the dead within the primative church, as well as to the theological positions of each of the evangelists. His analysis leads the author to the hypothesis that neither Jesus nor Peter in fact brought the dead to life. Dr Rochais asks what were the implications of these stories for the earliest generations of Christians, and what is their significance for Christians today.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: November 2005
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521018746
    • length: 272 pages
    • dimensions: 215 x 138 x 15 mm
    • weight: 0.356kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Première partie
    1. Les analogies entre les différents récits de résurrection des morts
    2. La résurrection du fils de la veuve de Naïm (Lc 7, 11-17)
    3. La réssurection de la fille de Jaïre: les versets d'introduction: Mc 5, 21: Lc 8, 40: Mt 9, 1.18
    4. La rédaction marcienne du récit de la résurrection de la fille de Jaïre (Mc 5, 22-24a:
    5. La rédaction lucanienne du récit de la résurrection de la fille de Jaïre (Lc 8, 40-42a:
    6. La rédaction matthéenne du récit de la résurrection de la fille d'un magistrat (Mt 9, 18-19:
    7. Histoire de la formation du récit de la résurrection de la fille de Jaïre
    8. La résurrection de Lazare (Jn 11, 1-46
    9. La résurrection de Tabitha (Ac 9, 36-43
    10. La parole de fait récit
    11. Les premiers récits de résurrection comme parole dans les communautés primitives
    12. Les récits de résurrection comme parole pour les chrétiens d'aujourd'hui

  • Author

    Gérard Rochais

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