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13 APRIL 2018

Cambridge University Press na Spring PELT Convention 2018 w Rzeszowie!

Cambridge University Press na Spring PELT Convention 2018 w Rzeszowie!

Cambridge University Press na Spring PELT Convention 2018 w Rzeszowie!

20 kwietnia 2018


Zaprszamy do Rzeszowa na doroczną Spring PELT Convention. 20 kwietnia będziemy czekać na Państwa ze stoiskiem oraz sesją Renaty Berryman. Na stoisku księgarni będzie można zakupić książki z 20% rabatem.


CLIL revisited During my session I will take you on a journey with different subjects such as science, maths, arts and the language. We will look at key aspects regarding CLIL approach. I am aiming to show you various and practical strategies. How to gradually introduce your young learners to the world of subject content; techniques on how to aid understanding of new concepts, as well as how to activate skills such as speaking and writing. I hope that after this journey interdisciplinary teaching will give you a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction. Once that happens, your young learners should be able to envision a meaningful and ultimate goal, which is learning about the subjects in a foreign language.


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