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The Seeress of Prevorst

The Seeress of Prevorst
Being Revelations Concerning the Inner-life of Man, and the Inter-diffusion of a World of Spirits in the One We Inhabit

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Spiritualism and Esoteric Knowledge

  • Date Published: February 2011
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108027755


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About the Authors
  • Friederike Hauffe (1801–1829) suffered throughout her short lifetime from severe spasms and nervous fevers, and in her semi-conscious state she allegedly saw spectres and spoke and wrote predictions in an unknown, 'innate' language. When physically well, Hauffe could communicate with spectres of the dead, and created a complex diagram of circles to explain the nervous energy of a person and its changes throughout the year. The flow of consciousness and one's waking state in the spirit world, or 'sun sphere', was individual and seasonal. After continued illness, she was finally taken into the care of Dr Justinus Kerner for the last few years of her life. His use of magnetic treatment apparently gave her some relief, and she was able to use her 'spiritual sight' to aid others. Kerner's 1829 account of her life, depicting a woman with unusual psychic gifts, was published in English translation in 1845.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: February 2011
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108027755
    • length: 362 pages
    • dimensions: 216 x 140 x 20 mm
    • weight: 0.46kg
    • contains: 1 b/w illus.
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Native place and early youth
    2. Retiring into the inner-life
    3. Outcoming of the magnetic condition
    4. Appearance in Weinsberg
    5. Description of the Seeress
    6. External nervous system, &c.
    7. Effects of water and suspension of gravity
    8. Effects of inponderable substances
    9. The human eye
    10. Seeing with the pit of the stomach
    11. The protecting spirit
    Prophetic dreams
    Going forth of the spirit
    Prescribing for disease
    12. Cure of the Countess von Maldeghem
    13. The different degress of magnetism
    14. The sun-sphere and life-sphere
    15. The spheres
    16. The inner-language
    17. Relation of spirit, soul, and body
    18. Physical worth
    19. Moral worth
    20. The spheres themselves
    21. The life-sphere proper
    22. Explanation of the sun-sphere
    23. Relation of life and sun-sphere
    24. Seventh sun-sphere
    Part II: Introduction
    1. The magnetic man
    2. Remarks on ghost-seeing
    3. Observations by Eschenmayer
    4. Further explanations
    5. Belief in spirits grounded in nature
    6. On the middle-state
    7. Concerning the annexed facts
    8. Two facts at Weinsberg
    9. Fact second
    10. Facts at Weinsberg
    11. Second
    12. Third
    13. Fourth
    14. Fifth
    15. Seventh
    16. Eighth
    17. Ninth
    18. Tenth
    19. Eleventh
    20. Twelfth and thirteenth
    21. Fourteenth and fifteenth
    22. Sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth
    23. Journal of Seeress
    24. Conclusion to facts
    25. Death of Seeress.

  • Author

    Justinus Andreas Christian Kerner


    Catherine Crowe

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