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Travels in Arabia

Travels in Arabia
Comprehending an Account of Those Territories in Hadjaz which the Mohammedans Regard as Sacred
2 Volume Paperback Set

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Travel, Middle East and Asia Minor

  • Date Published: February 2011
  • availability: Out of stock in print form with no current plan to reprint
  • format: Multiple copy pack
  • isbn: 9781108022873

Multiple copy pack

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About the Authors
  • John Lewis Burckhardt (1784–1817) was a Swiss explorer who is best remembered for his rediscovery of the ancient city of Petra in modern Jordan. In 1809 he was commissioned by the African Association to discover the source of the River Niger. In preparation for this journey, for which he needed to pass as a Muslim, Burckhardt spent two years exploring and studying Arabic and Islamic law in Aleppo, before travelling widely in Arabia and Egypt. These volumes, first published by the African Association in 1829, contain his account of the time he spent in Mecca and Medina: he was the first westerner to give an account of the Hajj pilgrimage. The work provides important and fascinating descriptions of the social, economic and political situation in Mecca and Medina during this period.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: February 2011
    • format: Multiple copy pack
    • isbn: 9781108022873
    • length: 939 pages
    • dimensions: 320 x 250 x 70 mm
    • weight: 1.54kg
    • contains: 5 maps
    • availability: Out of stock in print form with no current plan to reprint
  • Table of Contents

    Volume 1:
    1. Arrival at Djidda
    2. Route from Djidda to Tayf
    3. Residence at Tayf
    4. Journey to Mekka
    5. Arrival at Mekka
    6. Description at Mekka
    7. Quarters of Mekka
    8. Description of the Beitullah (or 'House of God'), the great Mosque at Mekka
    9. Some historical notices concerning the Kaaba and the Temple of Mekka
    10. Description of several other Holy Places visited by pilgraims at Mekka and in its neighbourhood
    11. Remarks on the inhabitants of Mekka and Djidda
    12. Government of Mekka
    13. Climate and diseases of Mekka and Djidda
    14. The Hadj or Pilgrimage. Volume 2:
    1. Journey from Mekka to Medina
    2. Medina
    3. Description of Medina
    4. Account of some places of Zyara, or objects of pious visitation, in the neighbourhood of Medina
    5. On the inhabitants of Medina
    6. On the government of Medina
    7. Climate and diseases of Medina
    8. Journey from Medina to Yembo
    9. Yembo
    10. From Yembo to Cairo
    Index of Arabic words.

  • Author

    John Lewis Burckhardt


    William Ouseley

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