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Needs Analysis for Language Course Design

Needs Analysis for Language Course Design

An essential toolkit for language teachers who need to design language courses for working professionals, vocational schools, undergraduate and graduate students.

An essential toolkit for language teachers who need to design language courses for working professionals, vocational and higher education students. Needs Analysis for Language Course Design draws on the latest CEF research into language usage in professional and vocational context and combines its outcomes with practical activities to help you tailor language and communication courses for professionals and students of any discipline. Building on past models of needs analysis, this manual creates a new, collaborative framework of ‘professional profile’ for identifying and dealing with the demands of the complex discourse of the modern workplace. The holistic approach of this book, through its dynamic ‘professional profile’ framework, will allow you to look at every aspect of communication in a working environment, from the learner’s goals and employer’s expectations to the needs of all other stakeholders, and will support you in using this knowledge to design course activities and full language programmes.

Product details


Marjatta Huhta, Karin Vogt, Esko Johnson, Heikki Tulkki, David R. Hall

English Type

British English

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