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- Institutional and Organizational Economics
Institutional and Organizational Economics

Eric Brousseau
announces new Elements series!
About this Cambridge Elements series
Institutional and Organizational Economics (IOE) is interested in the economic, political and normative dynamics that drive the organization of firms, industries and markets, and societies . It seeks to understand the levers of economic development and growth, institutional evolution, the structuration of governance systems, the management and strategy of firms and organizations, entrepreneurship and innovation, the dynamic of collective action, and the organization of exchange.
The Cambridge Elements series in Institutional and Organizational Economics is a major new publishing initiative designed to meet the needs of the research and teaching community as well as being accessible to practitioners. Each article will present a forward-looking analytical review of the state of the literature in a given field and the collection will build up over time into a comprehensive library, providing a dynamic and up-to-date coverage of the theoretical and empirical investigations of what organizations and institutions are, how they arise, what purposes they serve, how they change and how — if at all — they should be reformed.
IOE is an interdisciplinary enterprise and has relied on a wide set of methodologies, including incentive and game theories, case studies, historical narratives, and ‘natural’ experiments. The series will reflect this disciplinary and methodological diversity.
Areas of Interest
The series will have rigorous peer review. However it will avoid considering the level of formality, specification in modeling, or sophistication in identification strategies as the only criteria of quality. The series will also cover contributions where important/innovative issues — that do not lend themselves readily to modeling or econometric analysis — are analyzed with rigor.
- Political Science
- Economics
- Management
About the editors
The series will be edited by an editorial committee of six scholars committed to attract the best and most relevant contributors to the series in order to be able to make it a central and dynamic reference in the field and beyond.
• Eric Brousseau, University Paris-Dauphine, PSL Research University
• Lee Epstein, Washington University in St. Louis, School of Law and Department of Political Science
• Maria Guadalupe INSEAD, Department of Economics and Political Science
• Avner Greif, Stanford University, Department of Economics
• Guido Friebel, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Faculty of Economics and Management
• Barry Weingast, Stanford University, Department of Political Science
Want to know more?
Cambridge Elements homepage
Cambridge Elements in Social Science
Contact the Editors
If you would like more information about this series, or are interested in writing an Element, please contact Eric Brousseau at eric@brousseau.info
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