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Anthropological Research

Anthropological Research
The Structure of Inquiry

$66.99 (P)

  • Date Published: October 1978
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521292283

$ 66.99 (P)

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About the Authors
  • This text is a comprehensive introduction to research methods in social and cultural anthropology. The Peltos focus their discussion on the essential elements of preparing and analyzing the supporting evidence from which generalizations about human nature are derived. The specific elements of anthropological research - such as interviewing informants, observing ceremonial behaviour, and designing surveys - are all covered, but the primary aim is to show how basic observations can be systematically translated into socio-cultural generalizations. The authors place strong emphasis not only on quantification and statistics, but also on the more qualitative aspects of anthropological working styles that are essential to effective research. The two main themes of the book can be stated as follows: (1) anthropological generalizations and more complex theoretical structures can be built up only through careful implementation of basic concepts, the building blocks of all theory, and (2) successful description and hypothesis testing depend on the judicious mixing of quantitative and quantitative research materials. The second edition, in which Professor Gretel Pelto has collaborated with her husband, expands the discussion of tools of research and offers a more comprehensive analysis of current ideas concerning the 'theory-building' process. An entirely new chapter has been added on the research methods and relevance of applied anthropology. Throughout the text, many new and updated examples are cited to illustrate statistical and methodological approaches to anthropological research.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: October 1978
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521292283
    • length: 352 pages
    • dimensions: 229 x 152 x 20 mm
    • weight: 0.52kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. The domain of methodology
    2. Science and anthropology
    3. Operationalism in anthropological research
    4. Units of observation: emic and etic approaches
    5. Tools of research - I
    6. Tools of research - II: nonverbal techniques
    7. Counting and sampling
    8. Measurement, scales, and statistics
    9. Art and science in field work
    10. Research methods, relevance, and applied anthropology
    11. Building anthropological theory: methods and models

  • Authors

    Pertti J. Pelto

    Gretel H. Pelto

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