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Numerical Solution of Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations

Numerical Solution of Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations
with CD-ROM

$64.99 (P)

  • Date Published: May 2013
  • availability: Out of stock in print form with no current plan to reprint
  • format: Mixed media product
  • isbn: 9780521877268

$ 64.99 (P)
Mixed media product

Out of stock in print form with no current plan to reprint
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About the Authors
  • For mathematicians and engineers interested in applying numerical methods to physical problems this book is ideal. Numerical ideas are connected to accompanying software, which is also available online. By seeing the complete description of the methods in both theory and implementation, students will more easily gain the knowledge needed to write their own application programs or develop new theory. The book contains careful development of the mathematical tools needed for analysis of the numerical methods, including elliptic regularity theory and approximation theory. Variational crimes, due to quadrature, coordinate mappings, domain approximation and boundary conditions, are analyzed. The claims are stated with full statement of the assumptions and conclusions, and use subscripted constants which can be traced back to the origination (particularly in the electronic version, which can be found on the accompanying CD-ROM).

    • Material is largely self-contained to suit a variety of courses
    • Accompanying software is also available from
    • Applications include porous flow, solid mechanics, electro-magnetics, fluid dynamics and electro-cardiology
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    Product details

    • Date Published: May 2013
    • format: Mixed media product
    • isbn: 9780521877268
    • length: 661 pages
    • dimensions: 253 x 193 x 37 mm
    • weight: 1.42kg
    • contains: 55 b/w illus. 13 colour illus. 300 exercises
    • availability: Out of stock in print form with no current plan to reprint
  • Table of Contents

    1. Introduction to partial differential equations
    2. Parabolic equations
    3. Iterative linear algebra
    4. Introduction to finite element methods
    5. Finite element theory
    6. Finite element approximations
    7. Mixed and hybrid finite elements
    8. Finite elements for parabolic equations
    9. Finite elements and multigrid
    10. Local refinement
    Author index
    Subject index.

  • Resources for

    Numerical Solution of Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations

    John A. Trangenstein

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  • Instructors have used or reviewed this title for the following courses

    • Numerical methods for differential equations
  • Author

    John A. Trangenstein, Duke University, North Carolina
    John A. Trangenstein is Professor of Mathematics and Adjunct Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Duke University, North Carolina, USA.

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