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- Practice Tests for IGCSE English as a Second Language
Practice Tests for IGCSE English as a Second Language
The tests will help familiarise students with the format and requirements of the IGCSE E2L Reading and Writing/Listening and Speaking papers. Teachers will find them a valuable source of stimulating practice material which will engage the interest of students at this level, particularly those preparing for academic study. The material is also recommended for use with non-exam students at intermediate to upper-intermediate level. The resources include: stimulating authentic texts on a wide range of subjects, reflecting the educational nature and international perspective of the IGCSE; realistic tasks, relevant to students’ interests and experience; detailed information about the examination, and teacher’s guidelines on timing and marking; invaluable practical advice to the student; model summaries and compositions/full audio scripts and examiner’s notes in the With Key editions. Endorsed by CIE.
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