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Learning resources: chapter 1
For students:
For instructors:
Section 1.1 - The Reaction Against Behaviorism in Psychology
1. Behaviorism
What is behaviorism? (entry from About.com)
Behaviorism (entry from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, by George Graham)
Classical conditioning (entry from Wikipedia)
Operant conditioning (entry from Wikipedia)
Conditioning (chapter from Russell Dewey’s online Psychology: An Introduction)
Operant conditioning (video from YouTube)
2. Historical papers
Psychology as the behaviorist views it (by John B. Watson, 1913; from Classics in the History of Psychology)
Commentary on "Psychology as the behaviorist views it" (by Robert Wozniak, 1997; from Classics in the History of Psychology)
Cognitive maps in rats and men (by Edward Tolman, 1948; from Classics in the History of Psychology)
3. Cognitive maps
The Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map (book by John O’Keefe and Lynn Nadel, 1978)
Do animals have cognitive maps? (paper by Andrew Bennett, 1996; from The Journal of Experimental Biology, 199)
Morris Water Maze task, illustrating the use of cognitive maps (video)
4. Lashley and serial order
Karl Spencer Lashley (entry from the History of Psychology Web Site)
Spoonerisms: The structure of errors in the serial order of speech (paper by Donald MacKay, 1970; from Neuropsychologia, 8)
Representation of serial order in humans: A comparison to the findings with monkeys (Cebus apella) (paper by Michael Colombo and Nicole Frost, 2001; from Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 8)
5. Video summaries of the cognitive revolution
Alan Baddeley on the cognitive revolution
Steven Pinker on the cognitive revolution
Section 1.2 - Algorithms and Computations
1. Alan Turing
Alan Mathison Turing (biographical entry from the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive)
Alan Turing (entry from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, by Andrew Hodges)
The Alan Turing home page (maintained by biographer Andrew Hodges)
2. Turing machines and logic
Turing machines (entry from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, by David Barker-Plummer)
Turing machines I (handout by Peter Suber)
Turing machine (entry from Wikipedia)
Universal Turing machine (entry from Wikipedia)
Entscheidungsproblem (or, decision problem; entry from Wikipedia)
Halting problem (entry from Wikipedia)
3. Turing machines: Simulators and models
xTuringMachine lab: Introduction to Turing machines (lab, including an applet, by David Eck)
MIT professor Barbara Liskov on the Turing machine and early computer science (video)
A Turing machine made of LEGOs (video)
4. Papers by Turing
On computable numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem (1936; from Proceedings of the London Mathematic Society, Series 2, 42)
Computing machinery and intelligence (1950; from Mind, LIX)
Computing machinery and intelligence (cleaner copy)
5. Practice constructing your own algorithms
Online tutorial from Learn Algorithms
Online tutorial from CodeChef
Section 1.3 - Linguistics and the Formal Analysis of Language
1. Chomsky
Chomsky's revolution in linguistics (article by John Searle, 1972; from the New York Review of Books)
Noam Chomsky (entry by Norbert Hornstein; from the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
2. Chomsky and behaviorism
A review of B. F. Skinner’s Verbal Behavior (paper by Noam Chomsky, 1967; from chomsky.info; originally from Readings in the Psychology of Language)
On Chomsky's review of Skinner's Verbal Behavior (paper by Kenneth MacCorquodale, 1970; from the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 13)
On Chomsky’s appraisal of Skinner’s Verbal Behavior: A half century of misunderstanding (paper by David Palmer, 2006; from The Behavior Analyst, 29)
The case against B. F. Skinner (paper by Noam Chomsky, 1971; from chomsky.info; originally from the New York Review of Books)
Lecture by Chomsky on the poverty of the stimulus (video)
3. Linguistics and formal analysis of language
Syntax (entry from Wikipedia)
Phrase structure rules (entry from Wikipedia)
Transformational grammar (entry from Wikipedia)
Steven Pinker on cognitive science and the study of language (video)
Section 1.4 - Information-Processing Models in Psychology
1. Miller and information processing
A mathematical theory of communication (paper by Claude Shannon, 1948; from the Bell System Technical Journal)
Information theory (entry from Wikipedia)
Chunking (entry from Wikipedia)
The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information (paper by George Miller, 1956; from The Psychological Review, 63)
The information processing approach to cognition(entry by W. Huitt, 2003; from Educational Psychology Interactive)
Experimental demonstration of working memory
2. Broadbent and theories of attention
History of research on attention (entry from Wikibooks)
Attention (entry from Wikipedia)
Cocktail party effect (entry from Wikipedia)
Selective attention (section from Russell Dewey’s online Psychology: An Introduction)
Donald Broadbent (article by Dianne Berry, 2002; from The Psychologist, 15)
Podcast on Donald Broadbent and the Cocktail party effect (2013, from the BBC)
Experimental demonstration of selective attention in a dichotic listening task