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Publish with CUP


Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge. Our mission is to unlock people’s potential with the best learning and research solutions. Cambridge University Press' extensive collection of textbooks combine academic rigour with engaging pedagogy. As a not-for-profit organisation, we dedicate our resources to furthering academic inquiry and education globally in order to achieve our mission of advancing research and learning world-wide.

Cambridge University Press’s Australian branch publishes textbooks in the areas of Teacher Education, Law, Business and Management, Nursing, Social Work, and Linguistics for the Australian and New Zealand university markets. All our textbooks go through a thorough reviewing, editing and proofing process to ensure that they are of a high quality.

If you are interested in writing a textbook for Cambridge University Press Australia, please fill out our proposal template and send it to

The benefits of publishing with Cambridge

- A dedicated and expert editorial team working with you throughout the development of your work
- Individualised sales and marketing campaigns for at least the first 18 months after the publication of -your title, including extensive and dynamic email campaigns to lecturers and librarians, highly targeted social media marketing, direct-to-student sales promotions, attendances at relevant conferences, diverse digital marketing and more
- A 40% author discount on all Cambridge University Press books

For more information please contact:

Cambridge University Press Australia

Academic Publishing


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