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Resistance to New Technology

Resistance to New Technology
Nuclear Power, Information Technology and Biotechnology


  • Editor: Martin Bauer, London School of Economics and Political Science
Martin Bauer, Alain Touraine, Adrian J. Randall, Danckler D. L. Daamen, Ivo A. van der Lans, Kristine Bruland, John M. Staudenmaier, Roy M. Macleod, Roderick Martin, Marlis Buchmann, Antonio J. J. Botelho, Ian Miles, Graham Thomas, Dieter Rucht, Robert Bud, Sheila S. Jasanoff, Joachim Radkau, Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Dorothy Nelkin
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  • Date Published: June 1997
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521599481

£ 42.99

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About the Authors
  • This book compares resistance to technology across time, nations, and technologies. Three post-war examples - nuclear power, information technology, and biotechnology - are used in the analysis. The focus is on post-1945 Europe, with comparisons made with the USA, Japan, and Australia. Instead of assuming that resistance contributes to the failure of a technology, the main thesis of the book is that resistance is a constructive force in technological development, giving technology its particular shape in a particular context. Whilst many people still believe in the positive contribution made by science and technology, many have become sceptical. By exploring the idea that modernity creates effects that undermine its own foundations, forms and effects of resistance are explored in various contexts. The book presents a unique interdisciplinary study, including contributions from historians, sociologists, psychologists, and political scientists.

    • Focuses on European matters and on comparative case studies in the USA, Australia, and Japan
    • High calibre contributors
    • Interdisciplinary study
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    Reviews & endorsements

    '… Bauer [suggests] that resistance to new technology ... performs a function analogous to acute pain in the body - as an alarm signal. It might be hard to persuade the biotechnologists to accept that idea. But as we move into the century of biology, they may need to begin thinking along these lines if the future is not to be marked by conficts. They should start by studying this thought-provoking collection.' Jon Turney, New Scientist

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    Product details

    • Date Published: June 1997
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521599481
    • length: 436 pages
    • dimensions: 247 x 173 x 26 mm
    • weight: 0.76kg
    • contains: 10 tables
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Resistance to new technology and its effects on nuclear power, information technology and biotechnology Martin Bauer
    2. The crisis of 'progress' Alain Touraine
    3. Reinterpreting 'Luddism': resistance to new technology in the British industrial revolution Adrian J. Randall
    4. The changeability of public opinions about new technology: assimilation effects in attitude surveys Danckler D. L. Daamen and Ivo A. van der Lans
    5. 'Technophobia': a misleading conception of resistance to new technology Martin Bauer
    6. Patterns of resistance to new technologies in Scandinavia: an historical perspective Kristine Bruland
    7. Henry Ford's relationship to 'Fordism': ambiguity as a modality of technological resistance John M. Staudenmaier
    8. Resistance to nuclear technology: optimists, opportunists and opposition in Australian nuclear history Roy M. Macleod
    9. New technology in Fleet Street, 1975–80 Roderick Martin
    10. The impact of resistance to biotechnology in Switzerland: a sociological view of the recent referendum Marlis Buchmann
    11. The politics of resistance to new technology: semiconductor diffusion in France and Japan until 1965 Antonio J. J. Botelho
    12. User resistance to new interactive media: participants, processes and paradigms Ian Miles and Graham Thomas
    13. The impact of anti-nuclear power movements in international comparison Dieter Rucht
    14. In the engine of history: regulators of biotechnology, 1970–86 Robert Bud
    15. Product, process, or programme: three cultures and the regulation of biotechnology Sheila S. Jasanoff
    16. Learning from Chernobyl for the fight against genetics? Stages and stimuli of German protest movements - a comparative synopsis Joachim Radkau
    17. Individual and institutional impacts upon press coverage of sciences: the case of nuclear power and genetic engineering in Germany Hans Mathias Kepplinger
    18. Forms of intrusion: comparing resistance to information technology and biotechnology in the USA Dorothy Nelkin
    19. Towards a functional analysis of resistance.

  • Editor

    Martin Bauer, London School of Economics and Political Science


    Martin Bauer, Alain Touraine, Adrian J. Randall, Danckler D. L. Daamen, Ivo A. van der Lans, Kristine Bruland, John M. Staudenmaier, Roy M. Macleod, Roderick Martin, Marlis Buchmann, Antonio J. J. Botelho, Ian Miles, Graham Thomas, Dieter Rucht, Robert Bud, Sheila S. Jasanoff, Joachim Radkau, Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Dorothy Nelkin

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