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Look Inside Collected Scientific Papers of Sir William Bate Hardy

Collected Scientific Papers of Sir William Bate Hardy


  • Date Published: January 2015
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781107475083

£ 34.99

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About the Authors
  • Sir William Bate Hardy (1864–1934) was a celebrated British biologist and member of the Royal Society, whose scientific aims were summarized by Sir Hugh Anderson in the following terms: 'Hardy once observed a cell divide under a microscope, and wondered why.' This book contains his 59 scientific papers on a variety of subjects, reflective of his interdisciplinary attitude to scientific topics, written between 1891 and 1933. This volume will be of value to anyone with an interest in Hardy's academic career and legacy.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: January 2015
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781107475083
    • length: 970 pages
    • dimensions: 280 x 210 x 50 mm
    • weight: 4.5kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. On some points in the histology and development of myriothela phrygia
    2. On the reaction of certain cell-granules with methylene blue
    3. The blood corpuscles of the crustacea, together with a suggestion as to the origin of the crustacean fibrin-ferment
    4. The protective functions of the skin of certain animals
    5. On the structure and functions of the alimentary canal of daphnia
    6. On the characters and behaviour of the wandering (migrating) cells of the frog, especially in relation to micro-organisms
    7. On the changes in the number and character of the wandering cells of the frog induced by the presence of urari or of bacillus anthracis
    8. The morphology and distribution of the wandering cells of mammalia
    9. On some histological features and physiological properties of the post-oesophageal nerve cord of the crustacea
    10. On the characters and behaviour of the wandering (migrating) cells of the frog, especially in relation to micro-organisms
    11. Note on the oxidising powers of different regions of the spectrum in relation to the bactericidal action of light and air
    12. The wandering cells of the alimentary canal
    13. Further observations upon the action of the oxyphil and hyaline cells of frog's lymph upon bacilli
    14. On the structure of cell protoplasm
    15. On the coagulation of proteid by electricity
    16. A preliminary investigation of the conditions which determine the stability of irreversible hydrosols
    17. On the mechanism of gelation in reversible colloidal systems
    18. The action of salts of radium upon globulins
    19. On the sensation of light produced by radium rays and its relation to visual purple
    20. On the oxidising action of the rays from radium bromide as shown by the decomposition of iodoform
    21. Colloidal solution. The globulins
    22. Colloidal solution. The globulin system
    23. On globulins. Croonian lecture
    24. The physical basis of life
    25. Electrolytes and colloids - the physical state of gluten
    26. Electrolytic colloids
    27. Proteins of blood plasma
    28. Note on the surface electric charges of living cells
    29. The general theory of colloidal solutions
    30. The tension of composite fluid surfaces and the mechanical stability of films of fluid
    31. On the formation of a heat-reversible gel
    32. The influence of chemical constitution upon interfacial tension
    33. The tension of composite fluid surfaces. II
    34. Note on differences in electrical potential within the living cell
    35. An application of the principle of dynamical similitude to molecular physics
    36. Some problems of living matter. The Guthrie lecture
    37. Note on static friction and on the lubricating properties of certain chemical substances
    38. The spreading of fluids on glass
    39. Static friction. II
    40. Problems of lubrication
    41. Boundary lubrication. The paraffin series
    42. Boundary lubrication. The temperature coefficient
    43. Boundary lubrication. The latent period and mixtures of two lubricants
    44. Boundary lubrication. Plane surfaces and the limitations of Amontons' law
    45. On the spreading of fluids on water and solids: and the thickness of a primary film
    46. Chemistry at interfaces
    47. Films
    48. Living matter
    49. A microscopic study of the freezing of gel
    50. Studies in adhesion. I
    51. Studies in adhesion. II
    52. Molecular orientation in living matter
    53. Freie und gebudene Flüssigkeit in Gelen
    54. Statische Reibung und Adsoption
    55. Note on the central nervous system of the crayfish
    56. Problems of the boundary state
    57. Adsorption. A study of availability and accessibility
    58. The freezing point of yolk and white of egg
    59. To remind: a biological essay. The Abraham Flexner lecture

  • Editor

    Etic K. Rideal

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