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- ISBN:9780521701150
- Format:Paperback
- Subject(s):Science
- Qualification:Caribbean
- Author(s):Mary Jones, Geoff Jones, Barrington Radcliffe, Melcita Bovell
- Available from: June 2007
This exciting and accessible new full-colour book has been developed to support students following the Human and Social Biology syllabus for CSEC. Features include an appealing design that focuses on presenting concepts clearly and in an understandable way. The content wiill appeal to students who need a simple presentation of material and questions throughout the course to reinforce learning of new concepts. Revision summaries for each section that help students remember the important information and clearly labelled artwork that illustrates and aids understanding of the text.
- Contents
- Living organisms and the environment, Life processes, Heredity and variation, Disease and its impact on humans, The impact of health practices on the environment.
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